Where other policies end, our excess liability policies begin.

When a contract requires you to carry additional insurance or when you want a higher level of security, our broad excess liability coverages have you covered. Whether you need a Bumbershoot or more specific Excess Marine Liability coverage, our excess policies will seamlessly cover you from one policy to the next. All of our excess liability coverages are available in conjunction with another policy you have with us or with insurance policies from other providers.
Coverage Limits

  • $500,000,000 capacity

Coverages (including but not limited to):


This coverage adds an additional level of liability protection for a broad variety of both marine and non-marine risks. This coverage is available on a follow form basis.

Excess Protection & Indemnity (P&I)

Additional protection beyond a standard P&I policy. This excess policy provides added security with liability coverage for property damage and bodily injury.

Follow Form

Providing additional coverage limits under the same terms and conditions as an underlying primary liability policy. Our experienced underwriters can write excess follow form policies whether the primary policy is with us
or another company.

Excess Ship Repairer’s Legal Liability

Additional liability coverage for a contractor repairing a vessel in a shipyard, at a dock or on the water. This excess coverage includes legal protection in the event of damage to vessels, equipment and property while being repaired and in transit.

Excess Wharfinger’s Legal Liability

An additional level of protection for wharves and dock owners for damage to vessels, cargo and other property docked at their facilities. This excess coverage includes protection from wreck removal expenses or downstream damage caused by a breakaway.

Excess Terminal Operator’s Legal Liability

Excess liability coverage for damage or loss of property under the care, custody and control of the terminal operator. This excess coverage can include material goods being stored by operators of wharves, piers, docks, stevedores, storage tanks and warehouses.

Excess Charterer’s Legal Liability

Provides excess liability coverage, including care, custody and control for companies chartering a vessel for a wide variety of uses. This additional coverage can protect against damage during loading and unloading of cargo or loss of use due to a collision.

Excess Stevedore’s Legal Liability

Additional protection, including coverage for care, custody and control for terminal operators and contractors in the loading and unloading of cargo on marine vessels, trucks, railcars and other conveyances.

Excess Tankerman’s Legal Liability

Additional legal protection for tankerman operations involving the loading and unloading of cargo transported by tanker vessels. This cargo requires an experienced insurer that understands the higher risks of damage.




Inland Marine


Ocean Cargo


Excess Liability